
  Dear Friends, Jesus’s egotheism…it’s not just for the Gospel of John anymore! . The Narnia guy proposes a trilemma Chronicles of Narnia author C. S. Lewis famously argued that we need to stop patting Jesus on the head. I keep running across his argument in various books, and recently […]

Going for the Jugular (Yes, Jesus went there)

. Dear Friends, For context on this post, please see the previous one. Basically, we’re analyzing LDS (Mormon) beliefs. Challenge 1: “A farrago of nonsense” The Book of Abraham is a fraud. This is important because the Book of Abraham, Joseph Smith’s “inspired” translation of ancient Egyptian papyri, is considered […]

Going for the Jugular (Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post ...

. Dear Friends, We are continuing our journey through Part 4 of The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus, by Gary Habermas and Mike Licona. Part 4 addresses additional objections to the Christian resurrection story. Last time, I addressed three more naturalistic arguments against the Resurrection. I say “more” because we […]

Going for the Jugular (Habermas & Licona Part 4, Post ...