Going for the jugular (Habermas & Licona post #2: Introduction)

Dear Friends,

Before I dive into the first book on my resurrection reading list, I should probably introduce you to the authors.

The book is The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona.

I talked about Gary Habermas last time, so today we’ll discuss Michael Licona.

Open series outline: Going for the jugular


Random Facts/Observations about Michael Licona

  • PhD in New Testament from the University of Pretoria (1)
  • Got in trouble in evangelical circles for something…apparently it was the suggestion that the saints rising from their graves in Matthew 27 was figurative (1)
    • For my part, I never saw any reason to make it figurative, but this isn’t my focus right now
  • Seems like someone extremely interested in getting to the truth, regardless of what that truth may be (3)
  • Wrote his own massive (718 pages) book (4) about the resurrection 6 years after the one I’ll be reading
  • Has debated Bart Ehrman (author of a resurrection-skeptical book I plan to read) multiple times
    • Most recently in April 2022 (5)

God bless,




(1) Michael Licona on wikipedia

(2) https://www.risenjesus.com/ 

(3) Informative interview with Michael Licona

(4) Gigantic book by Licona about the resurrection

(5) Licona vs. Ehrman


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