Going for the jugular (Habermas & Licona post #3: Introduction)

Dear Friends,

God willing, I’m finally going to start talking about the first book on my list. Yay!

The book is The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus by Gary Habermas and Michael Licona.

Open series outline: Going for the jugular


From 30,000 feet 

In my own words, here’s the basic idea of the book:

The bodily resurrection of Jesus from the dead best explains the available historical evidence.  

Here are some examples of the historical evidence:

  • The works of Tacitus, the Roman historian
  • The works of Josephus, the Jewish historian
  • The Talmud
  • Sections of the New Testament considered by most historians to be authentic
  • Oral tradition (creeds and sermon summaries)
  • Writings of early church fathers

They saw something

The authors call their approach the “minimal facts” approach, which “considers only those data that are so strongly attested historically that they are granted by nearly every scholar who studies the subject, even the rather skeptical ones”. So, yes, this approach includes some parts of the New Testament, but only those parts that are widely considered by scholars to be authentic.

These pieces of evidence didn’t just pop into existence out of nothing. Jesus really was crucified, and people  really did claim that He rose again…and they sealed that belief with their own blood.

So, the haunting question is…

What exactly did these people see?

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